Hello and Welcome! My therapeutic approach has a strong mind-body approach, to which mindfulness-based and visual imagery techniques are integrated. This inclusive hands on way to welcome the body enhances and strengthens the client’s ability to be more calm and curious to their own bodies story. My goal through the integration of various evidenced based models and methods is to allow a therapeutic relationship based on trust, compassion, authenticity and practical support to assist clients in navigating complex life challenges. Ultimately my attempt with each client is to uniquely blend and integrate the variety of therapy models I deeply respect to provide an opportunity for wholistic healing relationally, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Please note at this time my practice is currently full. If you wish to be listed on my waitlist, please use the contact button above or email me at epotterpc@gmail.com.Thank you!
surviving to thriving mental health systems

EMDR therapy is a psychotherapy that enables individuals to heal from the symptoms of emotional, cognitive and physical distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. EMDR therapy facilitates the accessing of the traumatic memory, so that information processing is enhanced, with new associations forged between the traumatic memory and more adaptive memories or information. EMDR therapy can also assist in accelerating progress in therapy, helping the client and the primary therapist resolve stuck points and enrich their ongoing work.
Internal Family Systems
We all have parts. Younger versions of ourselves and parts that conflict with what they tell us.
Internal Family Systems facilitates the ability to communicate with ourselves, while also healing painful wounds and understanding the parts of who we are. IFS therapy is an opportunity to truly experience personal growth and a deep understanding of your "self."
IFS therapy is an evidence based, transformative psychotherapy model.
Essentially, you will be able to explore and authentically embrace that “All Parts of you are Welcome.”
Our eyes and brain are intricately woven together and signals sent from the eyes are deeply processed in the brain which then reflexively and intuitively redirects where we look.
Brainspotting is not just for trauma; it is also used for performance enhancement to excel in areas such as athletics, business and relationships.
Trauma can overwhelm the brain’s processing capacity, leaving behind pieces of the trauma, frozen in an unprocessed state. Brainspotting allows deep processing to release and resolve the trauma.
Somatic Experiencing
SE can help you learn how to settle and release physical activation from your body, which is critical to changing PTSD symptoms and the wounds of early developmental/attachment trauma. For some people and for various reasons, stress responses can get stuck in our bodies. Our bodies experience these stress responses in many different situations - relationships, work, school, performance, etc.

but you want yourself to be one.
“A part of you was left behind very early in your life:
the part that never felt completely received.
It is full of fears. Meanwhile, you grew up with many survival skills.
Henri Nouwen
Can you relate to these struggles?
These symptoms may be a sign trauma is impacting your current physical and mental health. Mental Health Systems allows Elizabeth Potter to discover what your body is needing and may bring the the parts of you together for whole integration and healing.
Grief and Loss
Self Esteem and PerfectionismLife Transitions/Purpose
Shame and Guilt
Feeling "Stuck"
Eating Disorders
Body Image
Chronic Pain
Difficulty adjusting
Parenting difficulty
Attachment Concerns